Marvel Rant: Avengers: Doomsday (Avengers Team)

Marvel Rant: Avengers: Doomsday (Avengers Team)


There is, no doubt, hype for the next two Avengers films, Avengers: Doomsday and Secret Wars. But, there is ALSO one glaring issue:

As of today, January 19th, 2025, there is no Avengers team in the MCU, a mere year and a half before they return for their fifth film.

Now, this has many fans, including myself, curious, as well as VERY worried. With half of the original team, well, DEAD, everyone’s wondering the same thing: “Who’s going to be in the New Avengers?” The first Captain America is retired, Black Widow and Iron Man are dead, and Hulk is…. Well…. He’s different now. Goodbye smashy-smashy and hello chill science dude.

Of course, there’s still a few members around. In the original lineup there’s still:

  • Thor Odinson
  • Bruce Banner (Hulk)
  • Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

But that’s it. But we can’t forget the extra members they added along the way, specifically in Age of Ultron, Civil War, and Infinity War. The ones who survived and are still currently in the team are:

  • Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
  • Sam Wilson (Previously Falcon, now Captain America)
  • Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
  • Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
  • Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)
  • James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes (War Machine)
  • Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)

I’m sure that not all of these will return. In Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, he meets with what seems to be what remains of the official Avengers group that is actually still working:

  • Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)
  • Bruce Banner (Hulk)
  • Wong

This, however, seems MUCH to small to be the actual lineup. The safest thing to assume right now is that there are no actual Avengers team after Endgame. So, who is most likely to return? Well, first I’m going to list the confirmed members who are returning for Doomsday, and then who else I think will fill the rest of the Avengers team’s vacant roles.


  • Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson (Captain America)

Captain America will return, as if there was any doubt. With Sam becoming the new Captain America of the MCU, he’s probably our best bet as becoming the team leader. There have been rumors that his upcoming movie Captain America: Brave New World (In theatres February 14th, 2025) will begin the setup for the Avenger’s newest lineup.

  • Tom Holland as Peter Parker (Spider-Man)

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is back, with Marvel confirming that Tom Holland will indeed return for Avengers: Doomsday, as well as his untitled fourth Spider-Man movie, set to release shortly after the fifth Avengers film. He was originally supposed to be one of the lead characters in their original script for the film, although it was drastically different. (I just want to say, did anybody else know he was British? He pulls off a standard American accent VERY well, holy cow.)

Now, I’m really interested in how Peter will fare after the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home, with the whole world forgetting everything about him. Of course, they’ll remember Spider-Man, perhaps. But everybody - Doctor Strange specifically - will forget every part of their relationship with Peter.

  • Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange

Returning from his multiversal journey protecting America Chavez, Stephen Strange, the Sorcerer Supr… wait, he isn’t the sorcerer supreme anymore. Whoops. Well, he’s still an amazing character, with or without flowery title. But wait… Wasn’t he running off to the Dark Dimension with that purple Clea lady at the end of Multiverse of Madness? Yes, he was. But if we look at the confirmed Marvel Phases 5-6 lineup as of November 22nd, 2024, it shows:

  • The Fantastic Four: First Steps (Movie, July 25, 2025)
  • Untitled Marvel Studios Film (Feb. 13, 2026)
  • Avengers: Doomsday (Movie, May 1, 2026)
  • Untitled Marvel Studios Film (Nov. 6, 2026)
  • Avengers: Secret Wars (Movie, May 7, 2027)
  • Untitled Marvel Studios Film (July 23, 2027)
  • Untitled Marvel Studios Film (Nov. 5, 2027)

As you can see, Marvel DOES have one confirmed untitled project slated to come out before Doomsday. They could surprise us with a Doctor Strange sequel, answering the unsolved resolution of Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.

  • Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock (Daredevil)

Yes, everybody’s favorite blind lawyer-slash-vigilante will indeed appear in the next Avengers film. Although we do not know how large his role will be, we do know that he is set to return for Doomsday. (See link: Now, I know this post doesn’t actually say what his new role is or what film it’s part of. But that’s because they edited the post. (look it up, there’s screenshots of the original post all over the internet.)

While he may not be completely JOINING the Avengers in their fight against Doctor Doom, he will at least appear in the film to some extent.

  • Chris Evans as (Unknown)

Not only is Robert Downey Jr. returning, Chris Evans is also returning in Doomsday. Only, we have NO IDEA what role he will be playing, nor how big or small it may be. It’s unlikely he’ll play Captain America, but that doesn’t rule out the elderly Steve Rogers coming back either. For all we know, he could play an alternate version of Captain America, some version of Human Torch again, or some totally random henchman. The possibilities are endless. However, in my opinion, I do not believe he will be his Captain America that we know and love. (I’m sorry.)

  • Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter

Here’s another unlikely Avengers recruit. Again, I’m not saying it’s IMPOSSIBLE for her to work with them, I’m just saying my own personal thoughts. Her role as Peggy Carter is also a mystery, because it could be her bland, standard spy version or one of her super-powered variants. We have no idea.

Now, I could go on about how the Fantastic Four are set to star in the next two Avengers films after their debut in The Fantastic Four: First Steps (In theatres July 25th, 2025), as well as the rough and tough Thunderbolts*. There’s a chance all of those could well become honorary Avengers. Or they could be a separate team aiding the main Avengers. Again, it’s a mystery. We can only guess for now.

But, who will probably return that isn’t yet confirmed? Welp, that’s what’s next.


Now, I think all 6 of these other members have great odds of returning, I really do. But, of course, some have a better chance than others. Here’s what I think:

  • Chris Hemsworht as Thor Odinson - 95% chance
  • Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner (Hulk) - 90% chance
  • Paul Rudd as Scott Lang (Ant-Man) - 85% chance
  • Brie Larson as Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) - 75% chance
  • Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton (Hawkeye) - 60% chance
  • Don Cheadle as James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes (War Machine) - 35% chance

Let me explain: Thor is pretty much all but confirmed to return. They teased a fifth installment in his film trilogy, and he is still active in the MCU by the end of his 4th movie, Thor: Love and Thunder. Bruce Banner, as one of the original Avengers, is also highly likely to come back, but the fact that he too is still active in the MCU puts him a bit higher than some of the others. Scott Lang too is highly likely to be seen, with his latest film hinting for a more prominent role in the following Avengers movies. Brie Larson definitely has a chance to play Carol Danvers another time, seeing as how she is a. one of the MCU’s powerhouses and b. she is, to our knowledge, still defending the galaxy as we know it. Now, while I do love Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye, I’d say he has the weakest chance of returning out of the original Avengers. He is unfortunately the least popular of the six, and the finale of his series ended implying that Kate Bishop would carry on the mantle of Hawkeye. Of course, he too could return for a final farewell to his character, so you’d never know. Finally, Rhodey. Sorry, I never connected with him in any way really. (Nor Captain Marvel, but she has better odds at coming back.) He’s not a prominent character in any of the Avengers films, really. He does nothing to stand out in any particular way, and he isn’t the most popular of the selection either.


Now, who do I want added to the team? In every film the roster grows in some way. New heroes join. It’s just how it works. Here’s the 6 MCU characters I think are most likely to be added.

  • Shang-Chi

Oh Shang-Chi. Your average car valet guy by day, super cool martial arts master by night. With him beginning to use his skills as a superhero, as well as being in possession of the deadliest bling in the universe, I am POSITIVE that he’ll be a key player in the next two Avengers films. Plus, he’s already met Avengers. Just watch his movie’s post-credits scene. He is summoned by Wong, who brings him to meet with Captain Marvel and Bruce Banner, who, in turn, tell him that their rings are making some sort of SOS call. (THAT can’t be good.)

  • Shuri (Black Panther)

This is my top guess for the most likely new recruit. In Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Shuri takes on the mantle previously held by her brother, T’Challa, as she becomes the new Black Panther, as well as being titled the Queen of Wakanda. Her new powers and authority can prove to be a valuable resource in the fight against Doctor Doom, and it is highly likely for her to lead the army of Wakanda in battle.

And yes, I have heard that Marvel has now changed their minds about recasting T’Challa in the MCU. I’m well aware that they’re fine with it now. But I think Shuri deserves some more time in the spotlight. There are many who don’t like her being Black Panther simply because of how amazing the late Chadwick Boseman performed the role. But I say that they should give her a chance. She is easily one of the most compelling characters in Marvel cinema.

And Marvel can still get their way. After the unintentional confirmation of a third Black Panther film being on the way, we could see Shuri pass the mantle to either her nephew, T’Challa or perhaps to an alternate variant of her dearly-departed brother.

  • Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk)

Ok, I haven’t seen She-Hulk. Nor do I plan to, I will say. I KNOW how it ends. MUCH too meta for me. I mean, I get having a character who breaks the fourth wall every now and then via cheesy on liners aimed for the camera (*Cough cough* Deadpool *cough*) but you don’t need to LITERALLY break the fourth wall by smashing through the Disney+ Home Screen and talking to a robotic version of the producer of your series. That’s too much.

As much as I hate saying it, there’s also a good chance we’ll see She-Hulk come back too. But with her working alongside her cousin, Bruce Banner (Who now has a kid-Hulk thing for some reason I do not want to ask about) if he comes back, she’s bound to stomp along with him.

  • Peter Quill (Star-Lord)

You would not BELIEVE how much I’ve been tempted to watch the third Guardians of the Galaxy film. But alas, I have learned that experiencing it alongside others is the better way to go usually. Unfortunately, after having basically the entirits of the MCU spoiled for me up until The Marvels, I know how this film ends. Well, kinda. I know that, with the High Evolutionary’s plan thwarted, Peter Quill returns to Earth to be with his grandfather or something like that. And, if he’s on Earth, he could DEFINITELY join the Avengers. With most of the original Guardians of the Galaxy on separate paths, he could have a chance to be a part of some other team instead. And yes, we DO know he’s going to return. I mean, they made that VERY clear when they said, “The Legendary Star-Lord Will Return”.

  • Joaquin Torres (Falcon)

Confession time: I haven’t seen The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Well, I haven’t FINISHED it, anyways. (There’s a lot of Marvel stuff to get through, ok? Don’t judge me!) I’ve seen the first episode, however, so I know a very small bit about his character. I know he works for the U.S. army, and I know that he is now the MCU’s new Falcon, with Sam stepping into the Captain America position. After seeing him in the Captain America: Brave New World trailers (Releasing February 13th, 2025), I’m excited to see more of him. Now, this is ASSUMING that he survives the fourth Captain America. There’s no knowing whether he gets out of the film alive. We’ll just have to wait a couple more weeks to find out. But, if Sam’s returning, and if his character survives, I’m sure Joaquin will be alongside him.

  • Love

Confession time again: I haven’t seen Thor: Love and Thunder. And NO I’m NOT going to watch it! I’ve heard from multiple sources how terrible it is. NO JUDGEMENT!!! (Ok, I might watch it eventually. Not anytime soon, though.) Anyways.. Thor adopts the daughter of the main villain, Gorr (the God-Butcher), Love. (Weird name for a kid but whatever.) Apparently she has some sort of lighting powers like Thor, and is able to lift Mjolnir. (And yes, I’ve seen the shto of her and Thor jumping into the air screaming like crazos and swinging Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. It’s ridiculous seeing a 9 year old flinging an axe twice her size.) Again, just like She-Hulk, if Thor returns, Love no doubt will too.

And that’s it. My thoughts, right there. Did you read them? Well, you better have! (Only joking.) Anyways, you know the drill. Leave your own thoughts in the comments, and maybe I’ll see them, or I could completely ignore them. (only joking again. Jeez, get a sense of humor!) That’s all for now.